Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Game Changes

With only 8 teams a couple of games have changed:
Twister is now taking place over the course of two games with four contestants each.
Horse is also taking place over the course of two games with four contestants each.
Baseball is going to be a single elimination tournament. 3 innings per game.

Flippie Cup and Beer Pong have now turned into double elimination tournaments. There is also a new point system attached.

*More teams end up earning more points now than in the original 10 player tournament

Some event point systems have been altered. I encourage everyone to check out the post entitled 'point system' (actually it might not be a bad idea to read over all of the posts concerning actual events. Minor changes have been made throughout the week).

I'm also removing
keg toss from the tie breaker. I want to get my deposit back.


  1. So is flippy cup just going to consist of 1 "heat" per round? or will it be like a best of 3?

    Seems like the tournament will last 5 minutes if it is a best of 1 series in each round...and I'd hate for that to be the case in this most glorious of games.

    Also, I thought of another event - Keg stand endurance challenge. I don't think it needs any explanation.

    btw - how much do we need to pay/person?

  2. flippie cup is going to be best of 5. I actually have a keggerator, so the keg stand thing won't work out.
    it's $20 per person, $80 per team

  3. yup...i'm an idiot. asked questions before I read everything.

  4. Oh. What are the order of these events? It will play a crucial role in my strategy for Mother Russia's dominance

  5. basically they are going to be played throughout the day. On Sat at 11:15 we are going to do a lottory to figure out which teams are competing against each other and when. we are starting with the case race though.

  6. I’m disappointed in the no keg toss; I was looking forward to showing off my brute Russian strength. Volkoff out.

  7. "Don't you know I lift?"
    - Nikolai Volkhoff

  8. maybe i can have a special nikolai only keg toss
