Saturday, September 19, 2009


Case Race:
timed event
  1. 40 pts 1st team to finish
  2. 36 pts
  3. 32 pts
  4. 28 pts
  5. 24 pts
  6. 20 pts
  7. 16 pts
  8. 12 pts
  9. 8 pts
  10. 4 pts last team to finish
If your team doesn't finish all 24 beers zero points are awarded.

Relay Race
timed event
  1. 30 pts
  2. 27 pts
  3. 24 pts
  4. 21 pts
  5. 18 pts
  6. 15 pts
  7. 12 pts
  8. 9 pts
  9. 6 pts
  10. 3 pts
Boat Race
  1. 12 pts Winner
  2. 5 pts Losing team that finishes beer
If your team doesn't finish beer zero points are awarded

Flip Cup
round robin tournament

4 pts for every win

Bean Bags

Winning team is awarded the difference of scores.
Ex/ final score is 21 - 14. The winning team receives 7 pts

Individual Events
  1. 12
  2. 9
  3. 6
  4. 3
  5. 0
  1. 12 pts Winner
  2. 0 pts
  1. 12
  2. 6
  3. 2
  4. 0
  1. 12
  2. 9
  3. 6
  4. 3
  5. 0
Beer Bong
timed event
  1. 25 pts
  2. 21 pts
  3. 18 pts
  4. 15 pts
  5. 12 pts
  6. 9 pts
  7. 6 pts
  8. 4 pts
  9. 3 pts
  10. 2 pts
This scoring is for every team that successfully has each member complete a beer bong. If your team is unable to accomplish this 1 point will be awarded for the attempt. If you don't even try, zero points.

Beer Pong
double elimination tournament

bracket mock-up:

  1. 30 pts Winner of Tournament Italy
  2. 27 pts Loser of Championship Game Brazil
  3. 24 pts Loser of Game #17 China
  4. 21 pts Loser of Game #16 United Kingdom
  5. 15 pts Loser of Game #14 (this is the same as being the loser of game #13) Serbia
  6. 15 pts Loser of Game #13 (this is the same as losing game #14) USA
  7. 9 pts Loser of Game #10 (this is the same as losing game #9) Finland
  8. 9 pts Loser of Game #9 (this is the same as losing game #10) Greece
  9. 3 pts Loser of Game # 8 (this is the same as losing game #7) Canada
  10. 3 pts Loser of Game #7 (this is the same as losing game #8) Chad
single elimination tournament

bracket mock-up:
  1. 20 pts Winner of Tournament Serbia
  2. 15 pts Loser of Championship Game USA
  3. 10 pts Loser of Game #8 (this is the same as losing game #7) Canada
  4. 10 pts Loser of Game #7 (this is the same as losing game #8) United Kingdom
  5. 5 pts Loser of Game #6 (this is the same as losing game #5,4,3) Greece
  6. 5 pts Loser of Game #5 (this is the same as losing game #6,4,3) Finland
  7. 5 pts Loser of Game #4 (this is the same as losing game #6,5,3) China
  8. 5 pts Loser of Game #3 (this is the same as losing game #6,5,4) Chad
  9. 1 pt Loser of Game #2 (this is the same as losing game #1) Brazil
  10. 1 pt Loser of Game #1 (this is the same as losing game #2) Italy

10 team tournaments get a little tricky. I'm aware of the fact that 4 teams are going to have an extra round for each tournament. These tournaments are going to be drawn randomly Sunday, September 20 at 4 pm. 1216 Mayfield Avenue. Every possible paring will be established tomorrow at 4pm. Athletes are welcome to come over, observe, and make sure everything is on the up and up.

5pts are awarded to teams that turned in their money by 9/1

5pts are deducted from teams that do not dress appropriately

1 comment:

  1. Those mock brackets are a little hard to read. If you want better versions let me know and I can e-mail you the original file.
