Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fan of the Day

Some of you out there in cyberland may be a little concerned/confused/upset about the choice of Busch Light for the Olympics. Have no fear. Busch Light is a beer that most of us don't choose to drink, so we are all on a level playing field. Bud or Miller would give certain participants a definite advantage. Busch Light is also very very cheap. This means more money for Gold, Silver, Bronze.

To allay all of your fears I've decided to post pictures of real, honest, awesome people enjoying some good old fashioned Busch Light. Once you see how much fun Busch brings to the party, you might soon find yourself ordering a nice cool can on your own. No need to wait for September 26th.

A sailor and a man in a suit. I don't know about you, but nothing makes me feel safer than seeing these two drinking Busch Light. If it's good enough for them it's good enough for me!

Look at all of those medals on that guy! You know he wouldn't have gotten to where he is today without a can of Busch Light always by his side.


  1. Apparently Busch lite makes you lose you hair though...

  2. That's just a risk we are going to have to take. No one ever got anywhere without some sacrifice.
