Monday, August 31, 2009

Entry Fee

Hello athletes! Just a reminder that if each team has their money turned in by 9/1 they will receive 5 extra points.

So let's break this down:
$30 per person
$120 per team
*This is a nonrefundable entry fee

If 1, 2, or 3 persons on your team give me money you receive 0 points. If 4 persons give me money, your team is awarded 5 points.

If you need to send a check, as long as the envelope is postmarked 9/1 or earlier, that counts. My address is 1216 Mayfield Avenue Joliet, IL 60435


  1. as of 8/31 at 5:56pm Chad is the only team receiving 5 extra points.

  2. For your next beer olympics, check us out.
