Friday, September 25, 2009

Bring It, Bitches!

Last Minute

Random last minute changes / additions:

Baseball: 7 run mercy rule. There is going to be a white board for the table. Bounce your quarter off of the white board. The cups need to be lined up behind the line marked baseball. I'm making sure the quarters are sanitized.

Boat Race: each team will use 5 beers in the boat race. That equals 1/2 beer in each cup.

Bags: If you are throwing and you have 9 points and you sink a bag during your turn that's fine. The players will switch out the round after 10 points has been scored.

Flip Cup: Try to fill each cup to around 1 inch.

Beer Pong: When throwing your hand cannot cross the front of your pyramid. You can throw from an angle but again, your hand can't cross that imaginary line.

Twister: No shoving.

Tie Breaker

Oh god, I hope this doesn't happen, but if there is a tie for the top three teams it's going to be solved like this.

There is going to be a box. You're going to stand X amount of feet away from box. One at a time you will throw a beer. 1st team to make it in the box (with opposing team unable to match) wins.


Last year everything went so smoothly (Leslie was the only one to take a punch, right?), let's try for a repeat. If someone pisses you off, so what? You're both drunk. If someone is cheating, talk to them about it, and only if necessary bring in a referee. Play by the rules as best you can, I know some of them are a little confusing. Try to record your own scores for events where there are scoreboards and markers. Let's just be good sports about everything. Keep in mind how ridiculous all of this is. You're soaked, you're drunk, and now you're up for a wheelbarrow race.

So, in true Olympic form, let's put aside our differences and come together in the spirit of the games.

Tick Tock

Opening Ceremonies start at 12:30pm. Why doesn't everyone show up at my house around 12:15 so we can get this show on the road.


I updated the rules section. Be sure to reread before Saturday.

At this point I think I'm done with additional rules. If I do change something else before Saturday I'll let you know.

Who needs CAD?

This is where all of the events are taking place. I'm giving everyone all of this information ahead of time, in hopes that things will run as smoothly as possible Saturday. So take a minute, find out what tables your team is playing at and figure out where you need to be Saturday afternoon.